To be able to authenticate with Power BI a token is required. The token is delivered by Azure AD and to get it crm-powerbi-viewer must be registered as a valid application.


  1. Go to the old Azure portal at (this is the old portal as AAD is currently not available in the new).
  2. Navigate to your Active Directory.

  3. Open the Azure Active Directory where you want to place your application and navigate to the application tab

  4. Click ADD at the bottom of the page to add a new application
  5. Choose “Add an application my organization is developing”

  6. Name the application “CRM Power BI Viewer” and set the type to “WEB APPLICATION” then go to the next page (click the arrow).

  7. Set sign-on url to the URL of your Dynamics CRM instance


    Set app id uri to something unique such as

    Complete the wizard (click the check mark).

  8. The following step is not available from the user interface so you need to download the manifest and open it in a text editor. Change the following from false to true, save and upload the file.

    “oauth2AllowImplicitFlow”: true,

  9. Next we need to give the application access to Power BI. Go to the configure tab and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click “Add Application”.

  10. Find “Power BI Service” and click the (+) it will turn to a green check mark. Finally click the gray check mark (lower right).

  11. Give the app at least delegated permissions to view all reports and dashboards (recommend future proofing this by also adding view all groups).

  12. Finally scroll up to the client id and copy it as you will need the id when installing the solution in Dynamics CRM.

  13. Click save and then you are all done here.

    Next step is to install and configure crm-powerbi-viewer in Dynamics CRM.